Everyday People Matter

What Is the Ticket to Work Program?

| Nov 30, 2015 | Social Security Administration (SSA), Trial Work Program

The Social Security Administration (SSA) Ticket to Work program allows disabled individuals who are currently deceiving disability benefits payments to transition back into the workforce.
If you are currently receiving disability benefits, and are between the ages of 18 and 64, then you may qualify for the Ticket to Work program. The program allows you to go back to work, and begin earning an income again, while retaining your eligibility for Social Security benefits. The program also allows you to continue to retain some of the benefits that are available to you under the Medicare and Medicaid programs as well as some cash benefits.
The Ticket to Work program also allows you to benefit from an employment network that will help you get in touch with employers and organizations to get started working again. The Employment network will require information about your disability, your work history and other issues, and can help you find that is a good fit.

The Ticket to Work program is purely voluntary, and is meant to encourage persons who are receiving disability benefits to transition back into the workforce. However, if you find that you are unable to continue working, you may be able to get your benefits reinstated. Remember, if you earn more than a certain maximum level, you may no longer be eligible for disability benefits.

The best way to understand your rights and options is to stay in close contact with your experienced disability attorney.